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St Michael's weekly eNews - "Season of light and love"

St Michael's weekly eNews - "Season of light and love"


St Michael's Uniting Church (logo)

First Sunday after Epiphany - Sunday 12 January, 10 am

"Season of light and love"

Minister: Rev Dr Margaret Mayman

Music: Rhys Boak (Organ)

Sunday at St Michael's

‍ Photo by Nati | Pexels

After service Morning Tea

Morning tea and coffee will be served in the Hall after the Sunday Gathering.
Join us for conversation and community.

Where: The Hall, Ground floor

St Michael's Administration Building

Giving to St Michael's

Offerings sustain our congregation and mission.

Offering Plates (in church): 
Each Sunday the offering plates is passed amongst the congregation during services.

Giving - Tap and Pay (in church): 
Tap and Pay donation points are located around the church.

Retiring Offering (in church): 
Offering boxes are located by the main doors of the church.

Online Giving: 
Giving online via bank transfer or credit card is available. 
Please refer to the link below:


St Michael's Notices

Thursday Organ Recital

Music on your lunchbreak, the magnificence of the St Michael's grand organ and the beauty of St Michael's at the free Thursday lunchtime recitals.

The recital series features St Michael's

organist, Rhys Boak and guest artists. 

When: Thursdays at 1:00 PM
Doors open from 12:30 PM

Where: St Michael's Uniting Church


‍"A feather on the breath of God"

St Michael's Midsumma service returns
in 2025. Get ready to a celebration of queer inspiration, featuring music by The Consort
of Melbourne.

When: Sunday 9 February at 10:00 AM

Where: St Michael's Uniting Church


‍Volunteering at St Michael's

Volunteers are vital to the vibrant life and mission of St Michael’s. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please leave your details via the sign-up sheet on the table in the eastern colonnade or
contact the church office.

All volunteers need a Working with Children Check (WWCC) to comply with Victoria's Child Safe Standards and Uniting Church policies. If you need help organising a WWCC, the office can provide support with the process.





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120 Collins Street

Melbourne VIC 3000

(03) 9654 5120