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St Michael's weekly eNews

St Michael's weekly eNews


Art: Wheel of Life, Hildegard of Bingen

Third Sunday in the Season of Creation
Sunday 17 September, 10am 

Season of Creation: The Wisdom of St Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)

 Minister: Rev Dr Margaret Mayman
Music in church: Judith Dodsworth (Soprano) & Rhys Boak (Organ)
Music online: Katherine Norman (Soprano), The Nuovo Quartet & Rhys Boak (Organ)

Sunday at St Michael's

After service Morning Tea


Morning tea and coffee will be served after the Sunday service in the church by the east spiral staircase (at the Collins and

St Michael's Walk side). 

Everyone welcome! 

We have disposable cups but encourage you to bring your own keep-cup.

Living the Questions 2.0

Explore the biblical foundations, theological grounding, and spiritual practices at the heart of Progressive Christianity in these DVD-based discussion series. 

Join us for Session 10: Evil Suffering and a God of Love.

Facilitator: Chris Phillips
When: Sunday, 17 September  | 11:45am
Where: Waratah Room, Level 1
*Please meet Chris at the Russell Street entrance of the church at 11:30am.

St Michael's Walks for Yes

St Michael's will join supporters around Australia to Walk for Yes on Sunday 17 September. If you want to show your
support please meet Margaret after church at 11:45am. We will travel together to the State Library and be part of the action. 
When: Sunday, 17 September 12pm
Where: State Library, Swanston Street

Giving to St Michael's

Retiring Offering (In Church)
Offering boxes are located by the main doors of the church.
Giving - Tap and Pay (In Church)

Tap and Pay donation points are located around the Church.

Online Giving

Information about giving online via bank transfer, credit card or cheque is available via the link below

St Michael's Notices

 St Michael's Day Gathering:

with Rev Dr Margaret Mayman
A peaceful participatory service with a focus on earh justice.
In collaboration with the Church Services Committee and Environmental Action Group. 
When: Sunday, 24 September, 10am 


St Michael's Day Lunch - 11:30am
An earth-friendly light lunch served in the church

St Michael's Day Concert with Rhys Boak (Organ) & Dr Joel Brennan (Trumpet)

An uplifting concert of beautiful music featuring Dr Joel Brennan (Trumpet) and 
St Michael’s Organist and Music Manager, Rhys Boak. 

Donations to the Yarra Riverkeepers
When: Sunday, 24 September, 1pm

Season of Creation: "Let justice and peace flow"


This Sunday is the third Sunday of the Season of Creation.
St Michael's celebrates the Season of Creation, a month-long period to reflect with other churches across the world on our shared call to care for the earth.
Take with you this thought from St Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) whose meditations on the interconnectedness we have with nature still have much resonace and relevance

"With nature's help,  humankind can set into creation all that is necessary and life sustaining"

A Voice for Country: Say "Yes" to the Ecological Wisdom of the First People

with Rev Dr Garry Deverell

Rev Dr Garry Deverell, Academic Dean, School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Divinity, speaks on the 
relationship of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander​ 
Voice to Parliament and the ecological wellbeing of the land.
Followed by Q & A, chaired by
Rev Dr Margaret Mayman.​

When: Tuesday, 10 October, 6pm
(Please note the change of date)
Where: St Michael's Uniting Church

Special Organ Recital -
100th Birthday Party


Long time Organ Recital patron Margaret Swann is turning 100, and St Michael’s is hosting a special recital to celebrate.

Featuring; Dr Joel Brennan (Trumpet),
Dr Elyane Laussade (Piano),
David Pether (Organ), and
Rhys Boak (Organ).

When: Thursday 21 September | 1pm
Where: St Michael's Uniting Church

Progressive Pages:
Digital Book Club


Progressive Pages is a new digital book club exploring progressive Christianity, hosted by St Michael's Uniting Church and VicTas Synod New and Digital Ministries, with Kelly Skilton and Chris Phillips as the facilitators. Each Thursday we will cover Robyn Whitaker's new book Even the Devil Quotes Scripture focusing on a chapter a week.
When: Thursdays | 7pm AEST
21 September - Discussion on Chapter 5
Where: Online via Discord.

If you need some help setting up Discord you can contact Chris through the office for help. 

Mingary, The Quiet Place

The Mingary Quiet Place is perfect for those looking for a moment of peace and contemplation.

Open: Monday to Thursday, 10am-2:00pm, Sundays, 9:30am-11:30am
Enter via the Russell Street side, 
St Michael's Uniting Church.

Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA)

St Michael's cantor, Cailin Howarth and her friends are working with the organisation Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA) to support a refugee family in
coming to Australia. 
St Michael’s Council have agreed to help Cailin in this endeavour. As Cailin prepares for the
arrival of the family there are many ways that the St Michael's community can help.

Melbourne City Churches in Action: Reconciliation Studies

Melbourne City Churches in Action present three Bible studies led by Rev'd Dr Garry  Deverell and Rev Dr Sandy Yule.
Using biblical story to explore truth and
justice for first and second nations, their aim is to walk together as one people.
Bible Study 2: Luke 19:1-10.

When: Wednesday, 20 September | 6pm
Where: via Zoom

Ecumenical Together Prayer & Taizé Choir Practice

The German Lutheran Trinity Church invites you to join them for Taizé prayer followed by tea and coffee in the hall.
When: Friday, 29 September | 7:30pm
Where: German Lutheran Trinity Church, 22 Parliament Place, East Melbourne

Care and Prayer Group

Contact and Care

Mingary-Cairnmillar counselling

Weddings at St Michael's

Finding your way around St Michael's

Baptisms at St Michael's




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120 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia.

(03) 9654 5120