Online Gatherings


Online Gatherings

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost – 28 July 2024, 10 am
“Abundance in shared sustenance”

Minister: Rev Dr Margaret Mayman
Reflection by Chris Phillips

Music: Georgia Wilkinson (Soprano) & Rhys Boak (Organ)
Read or download Order of Service here

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Gifts to support the work of St Michael’s are received with gratitude.
Your gift resources Online@St Michael’s and the Mingary- Cairnmillar Counselling Service. Offerings can be made online or sent directly. Thank you!
More information about Giving here


Ninth Sunday after Pentecost – 21 July 2024, 10 am
“Rested and refreshed”
Minister: Rev Dr Margaret Mayman
Music: Dr Joel Brennan (Trumpet) & Rhys Boak (Organ)
Read or download Order of Service here