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St Michael's weekly eNews

St Michael's weekly eNews


Image from

The Reign of Christ
Sunday, 26 November, 10am
"Sharing Hope: the Impact of the Christmas Bowl"

Minister: Rev Dr Margaret Mayman
Reflection: S
tephanie Lenert (Act for Peace)


Music in church & online: Helen Bower (Violin) & Rhys Boak (Piano & Organ)

Sunday at St Michael's

Growing Around Grief


Following her much-appreciated Sunday Reflection on â??Living well in the face of deathâ??, Dr Irene Renzenbrink presents a session about loss, grief, and bereavement exploring Lois Tonkinâ??s model of Growing around Grief. 
Facilitator: Dr Irene Renzenbrink
When: Sunday, 26 November | 11:45am

Where: Waratah Room,

After Service Morning Tea

Morning tea and coffee will be served after the Sunday service in the church by the east spiral staircase (at the Collins and 
St Michael's Walk side). 

Everyone welcome! 

We have disposable cups but encourage you to bring your own keep-cup.

Giving to St Michael's

Offerings sustain our congregation and

Retiring Offering (In Church)
Offering boxes are located by the main doors of the church.
Giving - Tap and Pay (In Church)

Tap and Pay donation points are located around the Church.
Online Giving
Information about giving online via bank transfer or credit card is available via the link below:

St Michael's Notices

St Michael's Council Election


The St Michael's Council Election will be held on Sunday 3 December in
St Michael's Uniting Church, commencing at 11:45am, 
after morning tea.
There will be a chance to hear the
ominees speak briefly about their interest in serving on Council. 
 While the votes are being counted there will be a presentation and discussion of the Council's strategic
directions and goals.

While only St Michael's members are able to vote, everyone is welcome to attend and participate in the discussion.

â?Church of All Nations (CAN) Community Support Homework Club Christmas Appeal

We are again collecting donations to assist the CAN Community Support Homework Club. CAN would appreciate donations of gender neutral stationary, for ages prep to Year 12, to gift to the students in their homework club. Items that would be helpful are: lovely notebooks or sketch books, good quality textas/markers & good quality coloured pencils.

If you would like to help, please place your donation (unwrapped) in the box provided at the front of the church from Sunday, 19 November. Donations will be collected for delivery to CAN Community Support on Sunday 3 December.

The Transformation of the
Uniting Church in Australia 

The Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) is
engaging in a transformation and renewal process and is inviting engagement and
response from Uniting Church councils and individuals. 
On behalf of the St Michaelâ??s Church Council, Chris Phillips has prepared a report to update the St Michaelâ??s community about the Act2 report, what it is, what it proposes, and how you can have a say in the future
direction of the Uniting Church.

Dr Mayman (centre) with the Synod Facilitation Group at the 2023 UCA VicTas Synod meeting

 UCA Synod of Victoria & Tasmania: Synod Meeting

The Synod meets about every 18 months to receive reports, discern proposals, and discuss matters that concern the general oversight, direction and life of the Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania.

Rev Dr Margaret Mayman and St Michael's members Lorraine Woolley, Chris Phillips and Clare Brockett attended the meeting which ran from Saturday, 18 November to Tuesday, 21 November.

Free Lunchtime Organ Recital

Experience the sound of the magic of the

St Michael's pipe organ each Thursday at the free Lunchtime Organ recital.

When: Thursdays | 1pm

(doors open 12:30pm).

 Where: St Michaelâ??s Uniting Church 

Free event - donations towards the

St Michael's music program are welcome.

Mingary, The Quiet Place

The Mingary Quiet Place is perfect for those looking for a moment of peace and contemplation.

Open: Monday to Thursday, 10am-2:00pm, Sundays, 9:30am-11:30am
Enter via the Russell Street side, 
St Michael's Uniting Church.

A selection of the handsewn Christmas ornaments made by our crafty Repair, Reuse and Refashion group on Sunday.

 Repair, Reuse, Refashion:
An update

The last session of Repair, Reuse, Refashion with the wonderful Ange Tang had a Christmas theme. The group settled down to an hour of chatting and sharing skills as we made felt Christmas decorations. Those who were newer to sewing were guided by the talents of Ange to create their own heartfelt decorations. 

 Climate Crisis - How can we end the Climate Crisis?

The St Michaelâ??s Environmental Action Group (EAG) find information to share with our friends on ways we can take action and care for our planet. 

Last week an article â??The great carbon
divide: Revealed: the huge climate impact of the middle classesâ? by Damian Carrington was published in the Guardian with a
fascinating perspective and statistics on the climate crisis which the EAG thought might be of interest to St Michaelâ??s people.

Friends of St Michael's

Christmas Market in the City

The German Lutheran Trinity Church are hosting their German Christmas Market.
When: 3 & 10 December 

Where: 22 Parliament Place, East Melbourne

Raising our Tribal Voice for Justice: inaugural School of Indigenous Studies Conference

The School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Divinity is holding its inaugural conference in February 2024. The theme of the conference is â??Raising Our Tribal Voice for Justice: An Indigenous Theological Revolution. You are warmly invited to consider registering. 
When: 5-8 February 2024 

Where: St Paschalâ??s College, Box Hill, VIC




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120 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia.

(03) 9654 5120