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St Michael's weekly eNews

St Michael's weekly eNews


'Image: 17th Assembly logo (detail)
Provided by the Uniting Church in Australia


Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - 14 July, 10 am
"Threads of Justice and Love"

Reflection and Liturgy: Dr Liz Boase
Music: Dr Elyane Laussade (Piano) & Rhys Boak (Organ)

For those interested, the Order of Service now contains the hymn melody lines.


About Dr Liz Boase

We are lucky to have Dr Liz Boase leading wor
on Sunday 14 July 
while Rev Dr Margaret Mayman is on leave. 

Associate Professor Liz Boase is the Dean of the School of Graduate Research and a biblical scholar. She commenced in her role as the inaugural Dean of the School of Graduate Research in February 2020, having previously worked as Academic Dean at Adelaide College of Divinity, and within Flinders University and Uniting College. She is a senior academic leader in the University with responsibility for the higher degree by research and minor thesis programs, including oversight of students and supervisors, and the delivery of programs which support successful completion.

Sunday at St Michael's

Morning Tea after Service

Morning tea is served in the Hall after
service. Please join us for a catch up
and chat. 
Everyone welcome! 

Where: The Hall, Ground floor

St Michael's Administration



Breathe in. Breath out.

Join this calming meditation session to help you reset.
Facilitated by Neil Blood

When: Sunday, 14 July, 11:45am
Where: Wellbeing Studio, Level 2,
St Michael's Administration Building

"Living the Covenant Locally' Library

The St Michael's 'Living the Covenant Locally' Library is a resource available to borrow from each Sunday after service.
Living the Covenant Locally is a grass roots movement within the Uniting Church aimed at growing in understanding, encouraging others and walking together as First and Second Peoples. 
You are welcome to browse while enjoying your morning tea and coffee.
Where: The Hall, Ground Floor, St Michael's Administration 

Giving to St Michael's

Offerings sustain our congregation and mission.

Offering Plates (in church): 
Each Sunday the offering plates is passed amongst the congregation during services.

Retiring Offering (in church): 
Offering boxes are located by the main doors of the church.
Giving - Tap and Pay (in church): 
Tap and Pay donation points are located around the church.

Online Giving: 
Giving online via bank transfer or credit card is available. Please refer to the link below:

St Michael's Notices

Open House Melbourne - call for St Michael's Volunteers 


We are excited to be participating in Open House Weekend 2024.
We have an wonderful program planned which can be viewed online here

We still need volunteers to help us out. 
You don't need an encyclopeadic knowledge of
St Michael's, only some time and a willingness to help; p
reparing the church, greeting and showing visitors around. 
We will be open Saturday 27 July and Sunday 28 July, 12 pm to 4 pm. 

If you can spare an hour or two and are interested in being involved, please contact the
office on 9654 5120 or email

Thursday Organ Recital

Music is an important part of St Michael's. Each week we open the church doors and invite visitors to attend the free lunchtime
organ recital. Each week is something different, featuring St Michael's organist Rhys Boak and guest artists.

When: Thursdays, 1 pm
(doors open at 12:30 pm)

Where: St Michael's Uniting Church.



Breathe in. Breath out.

Join this calming meditation session to help you reset.

When: Sunday, 14 July, 11:45am
Where: Wellbeing Studio, Level 2,
St Michael's Administration Building

Living the Questions after church 


Explore the biblical foundations, theological grounding, and spiritual practices at the heart of Progressive Christianity in this video-based discussion series.

Join us for Session 16: Social Justice Realising God's Vision

Facilitator: Peter Kahane
When: Sunday, 21 July, 11:45am
Where: Waratah Room, St Michael's Administration

Progressive Pages Returns


Progressive Pages Online bookclub returns on Friday, 26 July. It will be running on Friday evenings at 7pm.
We will be reading Gondwana Theology by Rev Dr Garry Deverell. 
More info coming soon. Please contact if you have any questions.

'Introducing the 17th President of the Uniting Church 

Rev Charissa Suli has been installed as the new President of the Uniting Church Assembly on Thursday, 11 July at a service held at St Stephen's Uniting Church in Sydney. Meet Charissa in the UCA Assembly feature story, and watch this video where she shares about the 17th Assembly theme, Threads of Love: Weaving Christ's Love Across Cultures and Boundaries.

30th anniversary of the Covenant

July 10 marked the 30th anniversary of the Covenant signed between the Uniting Church in Australia and Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress. The signing of the Covenant in 1994 marked a new chapter in the relationship between First and Second Peoples within the Uniting Church. 

Mingary, The Quiet Place

The Mingary Quiet Place is perfect for those looking for a moment of peace and contemplation.

Monday to Thursday, 10 am-2:00 pm, Sundays, 9:30 am-11:30 am
Enter via the Russell Street side, 
St Michael's Uniting Church.

Verger/Church Assistant


St Michael's is looking for a Verger/Church Assistant to join our team.

The Verger/Church Assistant assists with the efficient running of Worship Services (Sunday services, Weddings, Funerals etc) and other events at St Michael's.

Friends of St Michael's

Northey Lecture:
Amy Plantiga Pauw 


The University of Divinity are holding thier next Northey Lecture which will be delivered by Professor Amy Plantinga Pauw speaking on Church in Ordinary Time: A Wisdom Ecclesiology.

When: Thursday, 18 July at 7:30 pm
Where: Brunswick Uniting Church

The Consort of Melbourne - Songs of Fire and Ice


The Consort of Melbourne are excited to share Songs of Fire and Ice: a concert of
luscious vocal harmony for a winter's afternoon, featuring Vivaldi's The four seasons as you've never heard it before!

When: Sunday 21 July, 3:00 pm
Where: Wyselaskie Yuma Auditorium




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120 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000
Victoria Australia.

(03) 9654 5120