Offerings and Donations

Your giving is important, helping us to continue the mission and ministry of St Michael’s.
Offerings and donations support the work of St Michael’s, creating the  Online@St Michael’s Sunday Gatherings, and Mingary-Cairnmillar Counselling Service.

We welcome your support via bank transfer or credit card using the online forms. Alternatively cheques may be mailed to:
St Michael’s Uniting Church,
120 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Thank you for your generosity!



Bank Deposit

You may also transfer funds directly to St Michael’s using the following details:

St Michaels Uniting Church
BSB: 083004
A/C: 515113338

Alternatively, you can download our donation form and return it to us at:

St Michael’s Uniting Church
120 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

or email to:


Request a Bank Transfer Receipt

Please provide your email address if you require a receipt for your bank transfer.


    Please email me a receipt once you have received the funds.

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