Church Gatherings


Sunday Gathering 10am in the church

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost – 21 July 2024, 10 am
“Rested and refreshed”
Minister: Rev Dr Margaret Mayman
Music: Dr Joel Brennan (Trumpet) & Rhys Boak (Organ)


Coming to church? What you need to know.

  • Offering
    We have resumed the practice of passing the offering plates during services.
    We also invite you to leave your offering via on of the Tap and Pay Donation points near the doors of the church or in one of the offering boxes by the doors, or via online giving on our website
  • After church hospitality and programs
    Morning tea is and coffee is served after the Sunday service in the Hall. Everyone is welcome.
  • Sunday Parking
    St Michael’s does not have onsite parking. Visitors have the option of parking in a commercial parking centre and  meter parking in the street. Nearby commercial parking buildings:

    • First Parking 
      34-60 Lt. Collins Street between Spring & Exhibition Streets
      (Enter via Exhibition Street)
      Visit website
    • AC DC Garage  – 14-128 Flinders Street
      Entry 113 Flinders Lane (between Exhibition and Russell Streets).
      Visit website
    • Council House Royal
      Lt. Collins Street, between Russell & Swanston Streets (enter Royal Lane)
      Visit website
    • Wilson Parking 11 Exhibition Street Carpark – 11 Exhibition Street
      Visit website
    • Wilson Parking T&G Building – 161 Collins Street
      Visit website
    • Wilson Parking Scots Church Car Park – 181 Little Collins Street
      Visit website
    • Secure Parking – Southern Cross Car Park – 121 Exhibition Street
      Entry via, 129 Bourke St, Melbourne
      Visit website
  • COVID Care
    • If you are unwell, please stay home and enjoy the online service
    • Hand sanitiser is available in the church
    • We do not use printed orders of service. The order of service is displayed on the screen,
    or you can download and print an order of service from the website