Pastoral Care
GivingContact and Care
If you are going through difficult times or would like to have a chat with someone, a member of our Contact and Care Team would be very happy to have a talk with you.
Any personal information shared, would remain confidential.
You can speak with the Chair of Contact and Care, Lyndell O’Brien, on a Sunday at church, or leave your name and phone number or email address with the church office 9654 5120 or and she will get in touch with you.
– Lyndell O’Brien: Chair of Contact and Care
– Catherine Jones: Deputy Chair
Prayer and Care Group
We are a small group of people, part of the St Michael’s Contact and Care team, known as Prayer and Care Group.
We commit to prayer and support for you, or someone known to you, who is going through difficult times. All requests are treated with confidentiality, sensitivity and respect.
To request our support, please phone the St Michael’s office (9654 5120). Ask for your first name and phone number to be passed on to Catherine Jones, who will contact you. Or you can speak with Catherine following morning service. She will pass on your request to the remainder of the group.
We are here for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
– Catherine Jones, Prayer and Care Group Leader.
Pastoral Care
Our minister, Rev Dr Margaret Mayman is available for pastoral care conversations. Please leave a message with St Michael’s office (9654 5120) to set up a time.
St Michael’s After-service morning tea
Morning tea and coffee is served in the church after the service. Everyone welcome!
Morning tea is served in the church by the east spiral staircase (at the Collins and St Michael’s Walk side).
We have disposable cups but encourage you to bring your own keep-cup.
Flowers to Celebrate and Commemorate
If you wish to remember a special person or life-event, we invite you to donate church flowers for the Sunday service.
The beautiful floral displays will be accompanied by a note printed in the Order of Service.
If you would like to donate flowers, please email the St Michael’s office on