Postponed: Thursday Lunchtime Organ Recital
In light of the Victorian government’s announcement of a five-day lockdown, the St Michael’s Uniting Church building will be closed from Friday 16 July to help slow the spread of...
In light of the Victorian government’s announcement of a five-day lockdown, the St Michael’s Uniting Church building will be closed from Friday 16 July to help slow the spread of...
Services are back in church this Sunday 8 August. And for those unable to be in-person, our online presence continues Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost 8 August, 10am "Going to Essence"...
While the church building is closed, our hearts remain open. And so does our online presence. Celebrating St Michael's Day 26 September, from 10am "Lament, healing and hope" with...
Thursday Lunchtime Organ Recitals have returned. We are excited to bring back this beloved free event. This Thurdsay we are offering something a little different. A 45 minute concert: An...
Thursday Lunchtime Organ Recitals have returned. Just like you, we are excited. This Thursday we are presenting the special program: "Boak plays Bach". St Michael's own organist and Manager of...
Introducing St Michael’s Twilight Organ Recitals. Every Thursday, the church doors open and the Grand Organ comes to life with performances from St Michael’s organist, Rhys Boak, and guest artists. From Thursday 9...
Sunday Gatherings are back in church at 10am. For those unable to attend, online services still continue from 10am. Watch Online Gathering here “Spirituality and Liberation” Third Sunday of Advent –...
For our community’s health and safety, the Thursday Twilight Organ recitals are temporarily on hold due to the widespread omicron outbreak. We will notify our community here and via the...
For our community’s health and safety, the Thursday Twilight Organ recitals are temporarily on hold due to the widespread omicron outbreak. We will notify our community here and via the...