Healthy Ageing Seminar

St Michael's Hall 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

SAGE is a monthly seminar program that is presented by renowned psychotherapist and author Dr Francis Macnab. Each month we choose a theme and bring you a series of strategies and tools to help you cope with the big stresses in the years post 55, reshaping your meaning of life, dealing with the fears that flit...

Hugh Mackay Book Launch

Hear one of Australia’s most respected authors and social researchers Hugh Mackay talk about his new book, Beyond Belief: How we find meaning, with or without religion. At a time when 61 percent of Australians still identify as Christian but only 8 percent attend church weekly, Mackay tackles one of the big questions about contemporary Australia: how...

Paul Tillich Seminar

St Michael's Hall 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Paul Tillich -  The Most Comprehensive Theologian of the 20th Century. Presented by Dr Francis Macnab 6pm – 8pm, Thursday 3 March Dr Francis Macnab presents a free public lecture exploring the psychology and theology of Paul Tillich. 2016 marks 51 years since Tillich’s death but his work still echoes in modern day psychology. A...

Joseph Camilleri Lecture

St Michael's Hall 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Will Terrorism and the ‘War on Terror’ Ever End? The United States launched the war on terror at 9.30pm on September 11th 2001. Since then, over 61,000 terrorist attacks have killed more than 140,000 people. Many more have died in the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya. Many millions have had to flee their...


Hugh Mackay Book Launch

St Michael's Hall 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Hear one of Australia’s most respected authors and social researchers Hugh Mackay talk about his new book, Beyond Belief: How we find meaning, with or without religion. At a time when 61% of Australians still identify as Christian but only 8% attend church weekly, Mackay tackles one of the big questions about contemporary Australia: How...

A Cockroach’s View After 45 years under the Pulpit Pillow

St Michael's Uniting Church 120 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia

ST MICHAEL’S 1971-2016. The cockroach has seen it all. 45 years of reshaping the direction, purpose and passion of a unique church. 45 years within one of Australia’s most innovative churches. Dr Francis Macnab will present this free lecture that will tell of the remarkable renewal of a city church and its people. It is a...

Professor Joseph Camilleri 2016 Lecture Series

St Michael's Hall 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The Winter Of Our Discontent And The Promise Of Spring September 2016 Lectures In these four lectures Professor Camilleri will address one of the most critical yet poorly understood ailments of our time, the psychology and culture of violence, and its remedies. The lectures will consider both the global and Australian contexts. The violence to...



St Michael's Hall 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The Winter Of Our Discontent And The Promise Of Spring September 2016 Lectures In these four lectures Professor Camilleri will address one of the most critical yet poorly understood ailments of our time, the psychology and culture of violence, and its remedies. The lectures will consider both the global and Australian contexts. The violence to...


St Michael's Hall 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The Winter Of Our Discontent And The Promise Of Spring September 2016 Lectures In these four lectures Professor Camilleri will address one of the most critical yet poorly understood ailments of our time, the psychology and culture of violence, and its remedies. The lectures will consider both the global and Australian contexts. The violence to...