Mobile Minds

Waratah Room 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Get more out of your mobile device with these ‘show and tell’ sessions designed to allow users to share interesting apps and ideas with others. Current users of a smartphone or tablet are invited to attend. Both Apple and Android users are welcome. Take advantage of the life-boosting potential of your mobile device with interesting, informative, entertaining...

Keep Calm and Carry On Caring – Exhibition Opening

St Michael's Gallery Level 1, St Michael's Administration Building, Melbourne

Members of the St Michael’s congregation and community display their artwork in an exhibition dedicated to caring. The St Michael’s Gallery is the visual embodiment of the ideals of the church, exhibiting artwork that connects with the ethos of St Michael’s. The theme for this exhibition is “Caring”, one of the fundamental beliefs of St...

New Faith Discussion Group

  A study group led by Neil Blood, discuss new faith philosophy, values and ethics as presented at St Michael’s by its minister of 45 years Dr Francis Macnab. A Creative Faith For Our Times Is our theme for 2016. You are invited to join the conversation as we consider Our times ---- Our lives -----...

French Conversation

Wellbeing Studio 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Join native French speaker, Johanna Hersey, for a fun and informal French conversation class where all are welcome to practice their French and receive some pointers in basic French conversation skills. Beginners and fluent speakers alike will find someone to chat to in French with help and guidance on hand. FREE EVENT no bookings required


Waratah Room 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

St Michael’s environment group, exploring the environmental issues of most concern for the wellbeing of our planet. There will be guest speakers to inform and enlighten you and a discussion about the actions we can take in our home and workplaces to better care for our world. Gain credible information, to become more aware and...

French Conversation

Wellbeing Studio 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Join native French speaker, Johanna Hersey, for a fun and informal French conversation class where all are welcome to practice their French and receive some pointers in basic French conversation skills. Beginners and fluent speakers alike will find someone to chat to in French with help and guidance on hand. FREE EVENT no bookings required

Mobile Minds

Waratah Room 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Get more out of your mobile device with these ‘show and tell’ sessions designed to allow users to share interesting apps and ideas with others. Current users of a smartphone or tablet are invited to attend. Both Apple and Android users are welcome. Take advantage of the life-boosting potential of your mobile device with interesting,...

New Faith Discussion Group

  A study group led by Neil Blood, discuss new faith philosophy, values and ethics as presented at St Michael’s by its minister of 45 years Dr Francis Macnab. A Creative Faith For Our Times Is our theme for 2016. You are invited to join the conversation as we consider Our times ---- Our lives -----...

Guided Meditation with Sian Ellett

Wellbeing Studio 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Join meditation practitioner Sian Ellett and discover the energy of your body and the world around you through guided awareness. This 1 hour session will include: - a welcome and introduction to the concept of guided meditation. - a guided body awareness meditation, - utilising movement, visualisation and breath. - discussion of experiences and time...