Bayside Book Group

The next Bayside Book Group meeting will be held on Sunday 6th September at 2.30pm at Lyndell O'Brien's home in Beaumaris.  We are reading 'Far from the Madding Crowd' by Thomas Hardy. For any further details please contact Lyndell on 0408 577 357.

Controlling Your Information

We can feel overwhelmed by all the information we are bombarded with throughout the day: television, radio, digital, billboards, phone calls, meetings, conversations… We can often feel out of control and forget important tasks and information.  Help is available. Learn how to control the chaos and reduce anxiety in your personal and business lives. This...


Kenneth Ralph Book Launch – Conversations with the Author

Wellbeing Studio 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

We are delighted to announce that on Sunday 25 October Kenneth Ralph will be launching his new book Your Final Choice – Hastening Your Death When Terminally Ill at St Michael's on Collins.  10am, Dr Macnab will interview Mr Ralph duirng the Sunday Service   Book signing after service in the St Michael's Hall  12pm-1pm, Conversation with...


Philosophy for Beginners

Kurrajong Room 120 Collins, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Thinking Outside The Square A lively, interactive discussion group, presented by Dr Peter Kingsbury, focusing on thinking outside the square. Designed to inspire creative and innovative thinking. The topic for this session will be "power". Cost: free Booking not required

New Faith Discussion Group

Waratah Room 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

All are welcome to join in the conversation as we continue exploring the New Faith theology, as taught at St Michael’s by Dr Francis Macnab. This session is the last of this current series for the New Faith Discussion Group. During this session we will consider the enduring underpinning values found at St Michael’s, and how they...

French Conversation

Wellbeing Studio 120 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Join native French speaker, Johanna Hersey, for a fun and informal French conversation class where all are welcome to practice their French and receive some pointers in basic French conversation skills. Beginners and fluent speakers alike will find someone to chat to in French and help and guidance on hand.
